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ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH, Neuwied (HRB 13755)


Rheinstr. 149
56564 Neuwied
Frühere Anschriften: 0
Keine frühere Adresse vorhanden
Telefon: 02631/383-0
Fax: im Vollprofil enthalten
E-Mail: keine Angabe
Details zum Unternehmen
Gründung: keine Angabe
Mitarbeiterzahl: im Vollprofil enthalten
Stammkapital: keine Angabe
Branche: 4 im Vollprofil enthalten
Registernr.: HRB 13755
Amtsgericht: Montabaur
Rechtsform: GmbH
world trade centre wire rolled wire rods wire rod wire products wire drawn wholesale whistleblower whistle-blowing policy whistle-blowing what is steel wellbeing welded tubular products weight reduction website water waste walling vehicle tubular products tower tonne ton tinplate heavy plate tinplate tin coated steel time charter thin strip continuous casting tar tar distillates tailored blanks sustainable development sustainable sustainability principles sustainability performance sustainability indices sustainability supply chain management supply chain structural steel plates structural shapes structural pipe tubing strip stock listings stock indices stock exchanges stock exchange listings steelmaking steel terminology steel supply chain management steel strips steel sheets steel sections steel rails steel plates steel packaging steel innovation steel infrastructure steel fibres steel construction steel by-products steel standard pipe stainless steels spot fixtures sponge-iron spokesperson special plates sourcing policy social legacy smoking sludges slag slab sintering sinter plant shipping shipbuilding sheet piling sheet piles sheet shares shareholding structure shareholders shared services shared service centres senior executives salary semi-finished products sections seamless products sculpture schools salary safety audit safety roofing rolling mill risk management committee risk management risk revenues reuse retail shareholder events restricted share unit plan responsible sourcing programme responsible sourcing practices researchers research partners research development team research development research contact research careers research budget research reports remuneration policy remuneration committee remuneration reinforcing bars regulations regional sourcing regional procurement refining stand red scorpions recycling recycled rebars rebar real consumption rails quarterly results publications products product development procurement practices process engineer press releases press inquiries press post-results presentations plate pig-iron philosophy performance-related bonus performance share unit plan people pellets pay partnership partner laboratories packaging steel packaging organic coated steel operations open-hearth process occupational health news net ton monowire molybdenum minimill mineral resources mine mill scales metallurgical coal media relations media questions media queries media mechanical tubing manganese malaria low-cost cars lost time injury long steel sections long steel products long products logistics listings listing agent liquidity line pipe limestone lightweight cars light leased ships leading mining company latest news laser-welded blanks largest steelmaker ladle metallurgy journey to zero iron ore mines iron ore investors investor terms investor presentations investor glossary investor days investor conferences investor investment terms investment calculator investment internal control integrated steelmaker institutional investor days insider dealing inside innovation injury injuries infrastructure industry indices indexes index independent directors housing hot-rolled coils hot-rolled coil hot metal hospitals high-strength steel high strength heavy plate health week health safety health head of media relations half-yearly reports group risk management committee group management board greenfield mine governance global stock option plan general manager galvanized steel galvanised steel furnace fraud reporting fraud flooring flat steel flat products fixed annual salary financial results presentation financial results financial reports finance reports fatality fatalities factfiles fact book ethical violations equity-based incentive equity shares equity investors equity incentive plan equity analysts environment engineers engineering engine powertrains engagement energy employees emissions emerging economies electrical steels electric arc furnace education eastern plate east London earthquake resistant earnings releases drinking drawn wire domestic appliances dividends diversity direct reduction debt structure debt investors debt culture cryogenic applications cost of ownership cost corporate responsibility reports corporate responsibility corporate governance committee corporate governance corporate communications corporate citizenship continuous casting construction steel construction community communities of practice communities communicators cold-rolled coil cold rolling coking coal coke ovens coke breeze coke coil code of conduct coated steels coated steel products coated steel coal mines coal climate change cladding chief engineer centres casa buna careers carbon steel carbon car capital markets cableway ropes business strategy brownfield mines brochure bridge girders borrowing vehicle bonus bonds body white board risk management committee board of directors board directors salary board committees blooms bloom blast furnace blank biodiversity billets billet benzole beams bar bank debt back-office transaction services automotive steel automotive products automotive auditing violations audit committee audit articles of association appointments committee apparent consumption annual reports annual report 2010 annual report 2009 annual report 2008 annual report 2007 annual report annual general meetings annual general meeting annealing analysts analyst reports analyst model analyst coverage analyst ammonium sulphate alloy steels advanced high-strength steel addiction accounting violations accidents accessibility features accessibility academic partners Willie Smit Wilbur L Ross Jr WCAG WAI Virginia Vijay Bhatnagar Venice Vega Vanisha Mittal Bhatia US Declaration of Independence US ULCOS UHSS UCRANE Tubarao Tonnes or MT Thomas A. McCue Suzanne Nimocks Styltech ® Strategic contract Steve John Steel products St Gely Fesc Southern France South Africa Sorel Soccer City Shanghai World Financial Center Sanjay Samaddar Sales Saldanha SEC filings S-in motion S motion Robrecht Himpe RoE (%) Rinat Starkov Reichstag Red Cross Rahul Bazaz ROIC (%) R&D Princeton Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Port-Cartier Pierre Engel Philippe Darmayan Phil Toit Paris financial market Paralympics PS Venkat Ostrava Organic coated steels Orbit Operating income tonne Operating Online annual reviews One World Trade Center Olympics Olympic Park Olympic Games Nunavut Nku Nymebezi-Heita New York shares New York City New York N.A. Shareholder Services Moscow Mont-Wright Mining Michael Rippey Michael Pfitzner Metric tonne Maureen Baker Mary River Market capitalization Marc Vereecke Manhattan Maleïs ® Maleis Luxembourg Long-term contracts London 2012 London Lisa Fortuna Light Steel Framed solution Liberia Laxmi Mittal Largest steel company Lakshmi N Mittal LTIF LTI Krybar Kleber Silva Kazakhstan Kate Ledger Juergen Schachler Juan Carlos I LHD Johannesburg Jefferson de Paula Jeannot Krecké Jean-Luc Maurange Japan Invested capital (IC) Industeel IFRS Forms Hetal Patel Habitat Humanity HRC HISTAR ® Grade 70 HISTAR ® HISTAR HDG H&S Ground Zero Gregory Ludkovsky Greg Ludkovsky Greenfield GlobalFloor ® flooring Gijón Germany Geert Van Poelvoorde Gascogne GEDP French Commercial Paper Programme Freedom Tower France Form 20-F Flat Carbon Europe Flat Carbon Americas Finance report Finance SCA Federation Tower FCP programme FCE European shares Estetic ® Estetic Esch-sur-Alzette Enterprise value (EV) Emirates Towers Dubai Emirates Towers Ed Frey Ecaille Ebitda Dubai Distribution Solutions Differdange David Childs Daniel Fairclough Crude steel Creasteel Coques MD Contact details Contact Coatesville Climate Action Reports Citibank Shareholder Services Citibank Cape Town Stadium Canada Camden Caiman CRC CPR CO2 Burj Khalifa Bruno Lafont Brian Aranha Brazil Bob Manet Billets de trésorerie Bill Scotting Bill Chisholm Bhikam Agarwal Berlin Benjamin Baptista Baffinland Baffin Island BBC (Bâtiment Basse Consommation) Average steel selling prices Augusto Espeschit de Almeida Arval ® Arnaud Poupart-Lafarge Arguin ArcelorMittal?s timeline ArcelorMittal?s supply chain ArcelorMittal?s suppliers ArcelorMittal?s range of products ArcelorMittal?s mining steel operations ArcelorMittal?s management committee ArcelorMittal?s leadership ArcelorMittal?s journey to zero ArcelorMittal?s innovation business ArcelorMittal?s history ArcelorMittal?s governance principles ArcelorMittal?s governance framework ArcelorMittal?s governance ArcelorMittal?s global sourcing ArcelorMittal?s global purchasing ArcelorMittal?s global procurement ArcelorMittal?s financial calendar ArcelorMittal?s corporate governance ArcelorMittal?s consolidation strategy ArcelorMittal?s business operations ArcelorMittal?s acquisitions ArcelorMittal?s Chairman ArcelorMittal?s CFO ArcelorMittal?s CEO ArcelorMittal supply chain management ArcelorMittal steel ArcelorMittal sourcing ArcelorMittal shared service centres ArcelorMittal purchasing ArcelorMittal procurement ArcelorMittal investor relations contact ArcelorMittal freight ArcelorMittal earnings results ArcelorMittal directors ArcelorMittal contact ArcelorMittal closed periods ArcelorMittal University ArcelorMittal USA ArcelorMittal Orbit ArcelorMittal Mining ArcelorMittal Maizières-les-Metz ArcelorMittal Luxembourg ArcelorMittal London ArcelorMittal Logistics Belgium ArcelorMittal Foundation report ArcelorMittal Foundation ArcelorMittal Finance ArcelorMittal Apparent steel selling prices Antoine Spillmann Annual review 2013 Annual review 2012 Anish Kapoor Angelina? cellular beams Andrade mine Andrade Adriatic Sea Aditya Mittal Acerita AGM AACIS 2010 World Cup 1WTC
Kurzzusammenfassung zum Unternehmen
Die ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH aus Neuwied ist im Handelsregister Montabaur unter der Nummer HRB 13755 verzeichnet. Nach der Gründung am hat die ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH ihren Standort nicht geändert. Der Unternehmensgegenstand ist laut eigener Angabe 'Die Erbringung von Serviceleistungen im Stahlbereich, die Bearbeitung von und der Handel mit Metallprodukten, insbesondere im Bereich der Erbringung von Leistungen -einschließlich Veredelungsleistungen- im Zusammenhang mit der Kraftfahrzeugproduktion.' Die ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH weist zur Zeit sieben Entscheider in der ersten Führungsebene auf (z.B. Geschäftsführer und Prokuristen).
(Letzte Profiländerung: 13.12.2024)

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Liste der Gesell­schafter
Amtlicher Nachweis der Eigentums­verhältnisse
8,50 €

Gesellschafts­­vertrag / Satzung
Gründungs­vertrag in der letzten Fassung
8,50 €

Aktueller Handels­register­auszug
Amtlicher Abdruck zum Unternehmen
12,00 €

Chronologischer Handels­register­auszug
Amtlicher Abdruck zum Unternehmen
12,00 €

Veröffentlichte Bilanz­angaben
Jahresabschluss vom 01.01.2021 bis zum 31.12.2021
8,50 €
Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.
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Registermeldungen 22

a) Firma
b) Sitz, Niederlassung, inländische
Geschäftsanschrift, empfangsberechtigte
Person, Zweigniederlassungen
c) Gegenstand des Unternehmens
Grund- oder
a) Allgemeine Vertretungsregelung
b) Vorstand, Leitungsorgan, geschäftsführende
Direktoren, persönlich haftende Gesellschafter,
Geschäftsführer, Vertretungsberechtigte und
besondere Vertretungsbefugnis
Prokura a) Rechtsform, Beginn, Satzung oder Gesellschaftsvertrag
b) Sonstige Rechtsverhältnisse
a) Tag der Eintragung
b) Bemerkungen
23 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Eberhard, Thorsten Rudolf, Nickenich,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
Fall 29
22 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Dulisch, Sven, Neustadt/Wied, * ‒.‒.‒‒
Fall 28
21 b)
Nicht mehr
Rodriguez, Nicolas, Rollingen / Luxemburg,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
Butin, Jean Marc Philippe, Marly / Frankreich,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
mit der Befugnis im Namen der Gesellschaft mit
sich als Vertreter eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte
Fall 27
Calendar 25.02.2022

HRB 13755: ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH, Neuwied, Rheinstraße 149, 56564 Neuwied. Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Becker, Philipp, Siegen, * ‒.‒.‒‒. Bestellt als Geschäftsführer: Nonn, Michael, Dernau, * ‒.‒.‒‒. Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen Prokuristen: Kerk, Felix, Urbar, * ‒.‒.‒‒. Prokura erloschen: Nonn, Michael, Dernau, * ‒.‒.‒‒.

Calendar 21.07.2020

HRB 13755: ArcelorMittal Auto Processing Deutschland GmbH, Neuwied, Rheinstraße 149, 56564 Neuwied. Bestellt als Geschäftsführer: Rodriguez, Nicolas, Rollingen / Luxemburg, * ‒.‒.‒‒, mit der Befugnis, im Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich als Vertreter eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen. Nicht mehr Geschäftsführer: Verherstraeten, Wouter, Mol / Belgien, * ‒.‒.‒‒.

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Historie 18


Herr Sven Dulisch


Herr Nicolas Rodriguez


Herr Jean Marc Philippe Butin


Herr Philipp Becker


Herr Michael Nonn


Herr Michael Nonn


Herr Felix Kerk


Herr Wouter Verherstraeten


Herr Nicolas Rodriguez

Unternehmensrecherche einfach und schnell

Alle verfügbaren Informationen zu diesem Unternehmen erhalten Sie in unserer Online-App

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