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NOV Germany GmbH, Celle (HRB 100772)


Maschweg 5
29227 Celle
Frühere Anschriften: 0
Keine frühere Adresse vorhanden
Telefon: keine Angabe
Fax: keine Angabe
E-Mail: im Vollprofil enthalten
Details zum Unternehmen
Gründung: keine Angabe
Mitarbeiterzahl: im Vollprofil enthalten
Stammkapital: keine Angabe
Branche: 2 im Vollprofil enthalten
Registernr.: HRB 100772
Amtsgericht: Lüneburg
Rechtsform: GmbH
workover rigs wireline trucks wireline equipment wireline wired drill pipe windlasses windlass wind installation vessel winches winch rig winch assembly winch wellbore fishing tools well servicing rig well servicing well drilling water based mud washout issues washout vibration vessel mooring lines vessel mooring vertical drilling vertical downhole drilling vertical cuttings dryers varco tds 11 updates underbalanced drilling uXT? uLtimate? series uGPDS? torqueing torque enhanced connections torque application top drives top drive systems top drive service top drive repair top drive rental top drive components top drive tonging tieback thread dope thread damage thread compound application thread compound thermoplastic riser tds 11sa systems symmetric propagation surface systems subsea umbilical?s subsea storage technologies subsea storage subsea riser subsea production subsea pipeline connections subsea field optimization subsea factory subsea crane subsea chemical storage injection steerable technologies steerable steel riser steel poles static risers st-80 iron roughneck parts solids control software skidding system drilling rig single layer winch simulator training silicon controlled rectifier shock ship equipment shear ram bop shallow water pipes shale drilling companies shale drilling services scr drives s lay pipeline rotation rotary shouldered connections rotary shoulder connections risers flowlines riser pull-in riser handling installation riser rig technical support rig service companies rig service rig repair rig remote support rig recertification rig field support rig equipment rig automation rig aftermarket services rig aftermarket revolutions minute (RPM) resistivity tool remote monitoring release notes real-time measurements real-time data real time re-entry wells ram pulser pulsed pull-in winches pull winch pressure rated pressure control systems pressure control pressure precision drilling power distribution portable drilling rig poles platform pull-in pitting pitted threads pitted shoulder pitted pipe pitted connection pipelay systems pipelay pipe tensioners pipe laying vessel pipe lay systems pipe lay pipe hoisting pipe handling systems pipe handling pipe doping pipe picking up pipe picking up drillpipe picking up drill pipe performance drilling over torqueing optimization operator lisence on-demand rig support oilfield spare parts oil well drilling equipment oil hose reel oil gas risers oil gas riser oil drilling equipment oil drilling derrick offshore wind offshore winch offshore technology offshore storage technology offshore skidding system offshore skid offshore production offshore pipelines risers offshore pipe laying offshore oil drilling offshore loading station offshore loading offshore knuckle boom crane offshore hose loading offshore gas production offshore equipment offshore engineering offshore energy offshore drilling companies offshore drilling offshore derrick offshore crane types offshore crane manufacturers offshore crane companies offshore crane offshore construction crane offshore chemicals offshore chain oem spares oem parts mux pod multi-axis vibration mud pulse inclination mud mixing solutions mooring winches mooring winch mooring systems mooring system mooring operation mooring line moored vessel monitor equipment health mobile rigs mobile oil rigs mobile drilling rig mobile drill rigs memory mode tools mechanical power generator mechanical power generation measurement while drilling marine hose loading marine drilling riser marine construction supplies marine construction suppliers marine construction companies marine construction map manufacturing make break maintain drillpipe maintain drill pipe magnetic toolface low torque connection low breakout torque logging while drilling load licensee locator large od drillpipe large od drill pipe land rigs land rig drilling companies land rig companies land rig knuckle boom crane jackup rig jackup oil rig jack up rig parts iron roughneck repair iron roughneck parts iron roughneck manufacturers iron roughneck intervention string intervention risers inclination hydraulic power swivel (HPS) hydraulic jacking system hydraulic jack system hydraulic drilling jar hose reels horizontal drilling hoisting pipe on rig hoisting pipe hoisting high torque drillpipe high torque drill pipe high torque connection high strength connection high pressure fracturing high pressure flexible pipe high pressure connection high pressure completion high performance fluid system high breakout torque heavy-lift cranes heavy lift offshore cranes heavy lift cranes handling tool rental handling guidelines gravity toolface grant Prideco repair grant Prideco licensee gas tight connection gamma sensor gamma module gamma galling fluid transfer systems fluid transfer products fluid transfer fluid temperature monitoring fluid management systems fluid control flowline equipment floating production flexible subsea pipelines flexible production riser flexible pipe engineering flexible fishing tools fishing tool technology firmware fiberglass poles fatigue resistant connection fairlead extended reach drilling erd drilling erd environmentally friendly drilling fluid elevator electromagnetic electrical power generation dynamics measurements dynamics data dynamic risers dual drawworks drillpipe torque drillpipe thread protectors drillpipe storage drillpipe slips drillpipe risers drillpipe riser drillpipe repair drillpipe makeup drillpipe make up drillpipe maintenance drillpipe intervention risers drillpipe doping drillpipe corrosion control drillpipe corrosion drillpipe care drillinginfo drilling waste treatment drilling waste management drilling the arctic drilling system drives drilling structure drilling stations drilling riser components drilling riser drilling rigs drilling rig upgrades drilling rig support drilling rig substructure drilling rig spares drilling rig skidding system drilling rig service drilling rig repair drilling rig parts drilling rig maintenance repair drilling rig equipment drilling rig design drilling rig derrick drilling rig controls drilling rig construction drilling rig components drilling rig companies drilling rig automation drilling rig drilling procedure drilling problems solutions drilling pressure control drilling optimization drilling operations drilling motors drilling mast drilling jar drilling iron roughneck drilling instrumentation drilling fluids system drilling fluid systems drilling fluid drilling equipment upgrades drilling equipment spares drilling equipment repair drilling equipment drilling elevator drilling dynamics drilling drawworks drilling derrick components drilling derrick drilling controls drilling company drilling automation drilling drillers chair drill string repair drill stem testing drill stem repair drill rigs drill rig service drill rig parts drill rig equipment drill rig drill pipe trouble shooting drill pipe torque drill pipe thread protectors drill pipe storage drill pipe specification drill pipe slips drill pipe running handling drill pipe risers drill pipe riser drill pipe repair cost drill pipe repair drill pipe manufacturers drill pipe make up drill pipe maintenance drill pipe intervention risers drill pipe inspection services drill pipe inspection equipment drill pipe inspection drill pipe handling tools drill pipe doping drill pipe corrosion control drill pipe corrosion drill pipe connection drill pipe care drill pipe drill jar drill bits drill bit drill drawworks manufacturers draw works parts downhole drilling downhole data doping directional systems directional measurements directional measurement directional logging directional drilling desert drilling rigs derrick oil rig deepwater pipes data cylinder hoisting rig cuttings dryer crane upgrades crane technical support crane spares crane spare parts suppliers crane spare parts crane service near me crane service crane repair company crane repair crane performance upgrades crane lisence corrosion control corrosion connection washout connection troubleshooting connection thread protectors connection repair connection reface connection recut connection help connection damage condition monitoring services condition monitoring concrete poles completion landing strings completion landing string compensation equipment coal bed methane (CBM) chemical storage chemical handling centrifugal dryer cablelay systems cablelay cable tensioners cable laying cable lay systems cable lay buttonhole assembly bulk transfer breakout torque issues bottomhole assembly components bottomhole assembly bop service bop control system blowout preventer stack blowout preventer azimuth automation automated oil drilling rigs automated iron roughneck automated drilling rigs assessment arctic oil rig arctic oil drilling arctic drilling rig apply thread compound api bop certification annular blowout preventer annular BOP anchor winches anchor towing anchor handling operations anchor handling equipment anchor handling aftermarket support aftermarket products active heave drilling active heave crane active heave compensation system ac drives manufacturers ac drives Yale WellSite Services WIV Varco top drive Varco VORTEX Dryer UBD TurboTorque-M TT-M Star Racker Shaffer SURF S-lay Ross Hill Remacut ReedHycalog RPM Procon Power blade Power Systems PLET connections PLEM connections NOV top drive NKT Flexibles MaXit MWD MSC MISSION pumping systems MISSION fluid end expendables MEG storage MD Totco M/D Totco LicensEase LWD J-lay IntelliServ Hydralift drilling Hydralift Hitec GustoMSC Gusto MSC Gusto Grant Prideco drill pipe Grant Prideco connections Grant Prideco GT-M FluidControl Flexibles Flexible riser systems FRP pressure vessels FPSO pull-in Elmar Drill Force Dreco DFX CM Bowen Bonstrand piping Bondstrand Baylor BRANDT BOP repair BOP BLM BHA components BHA Artex Anson Ameron AmClyde Active Heave Drawworks APL A&R winches
Kurzzusammenfassung zum Unternehmen
Die NOV Germany GmbH aus Celle ist im Handelsregister Lüneburg unter der Nummer HRB 100772 verzeichnet. Nach der Gründung am hat die NOV Germany GmbH ihren Standort nicht geändert. Die NOV Germany GmbH weist zur Zeit drei Entscheider in der ersten Führungsebene auf (z.B. Geschäftsführer und Prokuristen).
(Letzte Profiländerung: 14.02.2025)

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Liste der Gesell­schafter
Amtlicher Nachweis der Eigentums­verhältnisse
8,50 €

Gesellschafts­­vertrag / Satzung
Gründungs­vertrag in der letzten Fassung
8,50 €

Aktueller Handels­register­auszug
Amtlicher Abdruck zum Unternehmen
12,00 €

Chronologischer Handels­register­auszug
Amtlicher Abdruck zum Unternehmen
12,00 €

Veröffentlichte Bilanz­angaben
Jahresabschluss vom 01.01.2022 bis zum 31.12.2022
8,50 €
Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.
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Registermeldungen 18

a) Firma
b) Sitz, Niederlassung, inländische
Geschäftsanschrift, empfangsberechtigte
Person, Zweigniederlassungen
c) Gegenstand des Unternehmens
Grund- oder
a) Allgemeine Vertretungsregelung
b) Vorstand, Leitungsorgan, geschäftsführende
Direktoren, persönlich haftende Gesellschafter,
Geschäftsführer, Vertretungsberechtigte und
besondere Vertretungsbefugnis
Prokura a) Rechtsform, Beginn, Satzung oder Gesellschaftsvertrag
b) Sonstige Rechtsverhältnisse
a) Tag der Eintragung
b) Bemerkungen
21 b)
Nicht mehr
Kleppe, Kjell, Celle, * ‒.‒.‒‒
Bestellt als
Epperlein, Frank Ralph, Höfer, * ‒.‒.‒‒
einzel­vertretungs­berech­tigt; mit der Befugnis, im
Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich als Vertreter
eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen.
20 b)
Nicht mehr
Oudendijk, Robbert, Gouda / Niederlande,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
Bestellt als
Martin, Trevor Brian, The Woodlands, Texas /
Vereinigte Staaten, * ‒.‒.‒‒
einzel­vertretungs­berech­tigt; mit der Befugnis, im
Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich als Vertreter
eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen.
19 a)
Die Gesellschafterversammlung vom 12.06.2023 hat die
Neufassung des Gesellschaftsvertrages beschlossen.
18 b)
Mit der NOV Wellsite Services Germany GmbH mit Sitz in
Rastede (Amtsgericht Oldenburg (Oldenburg) HRB 120916)
als herrschendem Unternehmen ist am 05.10.2022 ein
Ergebnisabführungsvertrag geschlossen. Ihm hat die
Gesellschafterversammlung vom 05.10.2022 zugestimmt.
Calendar 05.05.2022

HRB 100772: NOV Germany GmbH, Celle-Westercelle, Maschweg 5, 29227 Celle. Geändert, nun: Geschäftsführer: Kleppe, Kjell, Celle, * ‒.‒.‒‒, einzelvertretungsberechtigt; mit der Befugnis, im Namen der Gesellschaft mit sich als Vertreter eines Dritten Rechtsgeschäfte abzuschließen.

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Alle verfügbaren Informationen zu diesem Unternehmen erhalten Sie in unserer Online-App

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Historie 9


Herr Kjell Kleppe


Herr Frank Ralph Epperlein


Herr Robbert Oudendijk


Herr Trevor Brian Martin


Herr Kjell Kleppe

Firmenname geändert

TUBOSCOPE VETCO (Deutschland) Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

NOV Germany GmbH


Herr Walter Steen

Unternehmensrecherche einfach und schnell

Alle verfügbaren Informationen zu diesem Unternehmen erhalten Sie in unserer Online-App

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