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SMS group GmbH, Mönchengladbach (HRB 22550)


Am SMS Campus 1
41069 Mönchengladbach
Frühere Anschriften: 1
Eduard-Schloemann-Str. 4, 40237 Düsseldorf
Telefon: 0211/881-0
Fax: im Vollprofil enthalten
E-Mail: im Vollprofil enthalten
Details zum Unternehmen
Gründung: 2015
Mitarbeiterzahl: im Vollprofil enthalten
Stammkapital: h: 2.500.000,00 EUR oder mehr
Branche: 5 im Vollprofil enthalten
Registernr.: HRB 22550
Amtsgericht: Mönchengladbach
Rechtsform: GmbH
world of SMS group workshop warehouse videos upgrades modernizations updates tube pipe trade fair tinplate lines technology tandem mill supply chain suppliers supplier portal summit subsidiaries submerged arc furnace strip processing lines strip processing steel making steel converter statutory stainless steel spiral pipe specialists special metallurgy spare parts logistics sourcing smelting skin pass mill sinter plants sinter plant single-stand cold mill silicone steel silicon services service network seamless tube rolling mill main drive ring wheel rolling reversing mill refining reducer gearbox reducer gear rolling mill reducer gear recycling queries purchasing products product portfolio procurement processing raw materials processing primary products primary production pressing press releases press pictures press contact plants pinion gear rolling mill pictures pickling photos participation orders operations open-die open closed offices non-ferrous mill pinion stand messe merger melting furnace meet our specialists media material treatment manufacturing facilities maintenance repairs main mill drive gear longer service life long products locations less maintenance legal large- diameter iron interview innovation industry images hot rolling mill drive global gear wire rod gear hot rolling mill galvanizing forging footprints flat products films ferro alloys extrusion presses expanded exhibitions events employees emergency support editorial drive gear customer magazine core values copper alloys copper converter process converter & electric steelmaking contact consulting training conferences conference compliance company news color coating cold rolling mills cold rolling cold roll mills cold pilger mills coke oven coke making code of conduct closed/open radial forging closed-die casting rolling combined casting casters bright steel lines blast furnace binding audio/visuals articles appointment anodizing annealing acquisitions Worldwide production Worldwide Workshops Workshop assembly Welding manufacturing Water treatment Warehousing Walzen Value-added components Value added parts USA Turnkey Turkey Test field Technical consulting Technical Assistance TECademy Systems Systemlieferant System supplier Supplementaries Supervisory Structural Steel Stories Steel Stahl Spare parts Spare Parts Pool Sopreco ® Short delivery times Service SMS newsletter SMS group companies SMS Technical Service SMS Siemag SMS Schloemann-Siemag SMS Meer SMS Russia Rolling Qualification Training Promoter Project Management Produktion Process consulting Paul Wurth PSM ® Mill block One-Stop Shopping On-site Off-site OEM quality Network Modernization Modernisierung Minimills Metallurgy Metallurgie Mechanical production Mechanical components Measuring Manufacturing Mannesmann Managing Director Management Maintenance concepts MEERtorque ® Logistics Logisitc Concepts Laboratories Italy Integrated Plants Inntralogistics Infrastructure India IMMS Hydraulic systems Hot strip mills Hot rolling mills History Hasenclever Guaranteed availability Great Britain Germany Genius CM Gear production Gas cleaning plants Full-line modernization Foundations Fixed priced Feasibility studies Fact Finding Ersatzteile Energy recovery Elotherm Elexis Electrical control systems Economical benefits Ecological benefits ERW welded tube EPCM EPC Design Manufacturing Demag Cranes Coordination Contract manufacturing Construction Concast Complete Solution Civil China Chairman CTI CSP ® technology CMTTM Minimill CMMS support CFO CEO Buildings Building Services Brazil Board of directors BoP Balance of Plant Aviation Auxiliaries Automation equipment Automation Audits Aluminum AirwashTM 18 HS mill world of SMS group workshop warehouse videos upgrades modernizations updates tube pipe trade fair tinplate lines technology tandem mill supply chain suppliers supplier portal summit subsidiaries submerged arc furnace strip processing lines strip processing steel making steel converter statutory stainless steel spiral pipe specialists special metallurgy spare parts logistics sourcing smelting skin pass mill sinter plants sinter plant single-stand cold mill silicone steel silicon services service network seamless tube rolling mill main drive ring wheel rolling reversing mill refining reducer gearbox reducer gear rolling mill reducer gear recycling queries purchasing products product portfolio procurement processing raw materials processing primary products primary production pressing press releases press pictures press contact plants pinion gear rolling mill pictures pickling photos participation orders operations open-die open closed offices non-ferrous mill pinion stand messe merger melting furnace meet our specialists media material treatment manufacturing facilities maintenance repairs main mill drive gear longer service life long products locations less maintenance legal large- diameter iron interview innovation industry images hot rolling mill drive global gear wire rod gear hot rolling mill galvanizing forging footprints flat products films ferro alloys extrusion presses expanded exhibitions events employees emergency support editorial drive gear customer magazine core values copper alloys copper converter process converter & electric steelmaking contact consulting training conferences conference compliance company news color coating cold rolling mills cold rolling cold roll mills cold pilger mills coke oven coke making code of conduct closed/open radial forging closed-die casting rolling combined casting casters bright steel lines blast furnace binding audio/visuals articles appointment anodizing annealing acquisitions Worldwide production Worldwide Workshops Workshop assembly Welding manufacturing Water treatment Warehousing Walzen Value-added components Value added parts USA Turnkey Turkey Test field Technical consulting Technical Assistance TECademy Systems Systemlieferant System supplier Supplementaries Supervisory Structural Steel Stories Steel Stahl Spare parts Spare Parts Pool Sopreco ® Short delivery times Service SMS newsletter SMS group companies SMS Technical Service SMS Siemag SMS Schloemann-Siemag SMS Meer SMS Russia Rolling Qualification Training Promoter Project Management Produktion Process consulting Paul Wurth PSM ® Mill block One-Stop Shopping On-site Off-site OEM quality Network Modernization Modernisierung Minimills Metallurgy Metallurgie Mechanical production Mechanical components Measuring Manufacturing Mannesmann Managing Director Management Maintenance concepts MEERtorque ® Logistics Logisitc Concepts Laboratories Italy Integrated Plants Inntralogistics Infrastructure India IMMS Hydraulic systems Hot strip mills Hot rolling mills History Hasenclever Guaranteed availability Great Britain Germany Genius CM Gear production Gas cleaning plants Full-line modernization Foundations Fixed priced Feasibility studies Fact Finding Ersatzteile Energy recovery Elotherm Elexis Electrical control systems Economical benefits Ecological benefits ERW welded tube EPCM EPC Design Manufacturing Demag Cranes Coordination Contract manufacturing Construction Concast Complete Solution Civil China Chairman CTI CSP ® technology CMTTM Minimill CMMS support CFO CEO Buildings Building Services Brazil Board of directors BoP Balance of Plant Aviation Auxiliaries Automation equipment Automation Audits Aluminum AirwashTM 18 HS mill
Kurzzusammenfassung zum Unternehmen
Die SMS group GmbH aus Mönchengladbach ist im Handelsregister Mönchengladbach unter der Nummer HRB 22550 verzeichnet. Nach der Gründung am 22.04.2015 hat die SMS group GmbH ihren Standort mindestens einmal geändert. Der Unternehmensgegenstand ist laut eigener Angabe 'Die Entwicklung, die Konstruktion, der Bau, der Vertrieb und der Service von Anlagen, Maschinen und maschinellen Einrichtungen aller Art einschließlich ihrer Elektrik und Automation.' Das eingetragene Stammkapital beläuft sich aktuell auf 100.000.000,00 EUR. Die SMS group GmbH weist zur Zeit 82 Entscheider in der ersten Führungsebene auf (z.B. Geschäftsführer und Prokuristen).
(Letzte Profiländerung: 21.03.2025)

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Liste der Gesell­schafter
Amtlicher Nachweis der Eigentums­verhältnisse
8,50 €

Gesellschafts­­vertrag / Satzung
Gründungs­vertrag in der letzten Fassung
8,50 €

Aktueller Handels­register­auszug
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12,00 €

Chronologischer Handels­register­auszug
Amtlicher Abdruck zum Unternehmen
12,00 €

Veröffentlichte Bilanz­angaben
Jahresabschluss als Chart und im Original
8,50 €
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Registermeldungen 174

a) Firma
b) Sitz, Niederlassung, inländische
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c) Gegenstand des Unternehmens
Grund- oder
a) Allgemeine Vertretungsregelung
b) Vorstand, Leitungsorgan, geschäftsführende
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Geschäftsführer, Vertretungsberechtigte und
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Prokura a) Rechtsform, Beginn, Satzung oder Gesellschaftsvertrag
b) Sonstige Rechtsverhältnisse
a) Tag der Eintragung
b) Bemerkungen
9 Prokura erloschen:
Prof. Dr. Ferkel, Hans, Mönchengladbach,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
8 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Dr. Feldhaus, Stephan, Uster/Schweiz,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
Ovelgönne, Tim Christian, Ratingen, * ‒.‒.‒‒
7 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Kloß, Nikolas, Düsseldorf, * ‒.‒.‒‒
Dipl.-Ing. Paetzold, Nico, Lübeck, * ‒.‒.‒‒
6 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Vogel, Waldemar, Willich, * ‒.‒.‒‒
5 Gesamtprokura gemeinsam mit einem
Geschäftsführer oder einem anderen
Brinkmann, Marcus, Köln, * ‒.‒.‒‒
Almeida, Ana Paula de Castro, Düsseldorf,
* ‒.‒.‒‒
Prokura erloschen:
Jakobi, Hubertus, Düsseldorf, * ‒.‒.‒‒
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Historie 69


Herr Hans Ferkel


Herr Stephan Feldhaus


Herr Nikolas Kloß


Herr Nico Paetzold


Herr Waldemar Vogel


Herr Hubertus Jakobi


Herr Marcus Brinkmann

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